Tagged: choad

Using a Vibrator During a Blowjob?

So from today’s tweet, some of you may be wondering what the hell you are supposed to be doing with a vibrator during a blowjob. Some of you ladies may be thinking its for you… well, it isn’t.

When I’m teaching how to give a blowjob at my workshops, this is a little thing I call one of the “bells and whistles” you can add to your hummer. Bells and whistles are just little “flairs” you can add to spice things up, make things different and even better for your dude.

The vibrator should be somewhat small. So if you have one that you already own and use on yourself that is bigger/taller than 3 inches, you may want to consider getting a new one just for this blowjob trick. The vibrator should be small enough to fit in your palm. I recommend a Bullet (Screaming O); they are about 2 inches tall and are the perfect size to stash in a drawer then reach over to whip out if you are looking to polish off your knobber nicely. Though, the main point is it’s small enough to fit in the area behind his balls and in front of his bunghole — the choad.

Basically, there are 2 great things you can do with a mini vibrator during your blowjob. You can hold it on your guy’s choad to help boost his pleasure WHILE you are bobbing, or you can hold it against the outside of your cheek to make your mouth vibrate and help give his pickle a little extra tickle – also WHILE you’re bobbing.

Just be sure that if you are going to go for the choad (a.k.a. taint, gooch, bonch, etc, etc), that you let him know what you’re going to do. Some guys REALLY don’t like ANYTHING near their asshole, so this vibrator on the choad trick-a-roo most likely won’t fly!
